Business trips can be sometimes interesting. In November I traveled to Microsoft’s conference in Barcelona with my coworker. Conference was long (the longest I attended) and in the evening there were almost no other events (as at NT conference organized by local Microsoft).
But the weekend was more “touristic”. We had flight back on Sunday evening and we had almost two days for sightseeing. We have visited market, Marine Museum (with boat trip around Barcelona harbor), Gaudi La Pedrera and Sagrada Familia (which they started building in 1882 and is still not finished). Barcelona is interesting town that is alive late at night. Weather was warm and I wore only short sleeves on Saturday. This will change next year, because Microsoft is moving conference to Berlin.
Včasih znajo biti tudi službena potovanja zanimiva. Letos sem se skupaj s sodelavcem odpravil na Microsoftovo konferenco v Barceloni. Sama konferenca je bila dolga in naporna - moja najdaljša do sedaj. Celi dnevi predavanj zvečer pa skoraj brez uradnega zabavnega programa (popolno nasprotje od domače NT konference).
Zato je bil bolj "turističen" vikend. Letalo nazaj sva imela v nedeljo zvečer, tako da sva imela dva dneva rezervirana za ogled mesta. Obiskala sva tržnico, pomorski muzej (z vožnjo po pristanišču), Gaudijevo La Pedrero in Sagrado Familio (ki jo zidajo že od leta 1882 in še nekaj časa ne bo gotova). Barcelona je zanimivo mesto in živi tudi ponoči, ko so ulice še vedno polne.